Post by Jeff on Dec 15, 2003 12:49:39 GMT -5
Post by Carrie on Dec 15, 2003 19:47:55 GMT -5
Mark Paul is a great guy but I think the pic is saying the exact opposite. It`s a sarcastic remeark on being a white guy in this country. I can`t believe those are his words. I think someone made it up. It just does`nt sound like Mark-Paul. What do you guys think? 
Post by Erika on Dec 15, 2003 22:45:45 GMT -5
What in the world made you think that? This pic/poster is a disgrace. I find it very insulting, and I am POSITIVE this was made up as some kind of sick joke. Very sad to think someone would stoop that low. 
Post by Timothy on Dec 16, 2003 4:37:47 GMT -5
It's definitely fake, and insulting. The picture just says it's a good thing that women and black people are discriminated. Btw don't blame ilovekellykapowski for misunderstanding. He's Dutch and not a native English speaker. That's the reason, why he didn't understand the picture.
Post by hoogeveen on Dec 16, 2003 7:47:41 GMT -5
Mark Paul is a great guy but I think the pic is saying the exact opposite. It`s a sarcastic remeark on being a white guy in this country. I can`t believe those are his words. I think someone made it up. It just does`nt sound like Mark-Paul. What do you guys think? I don't think he knows about this picture. And I think Mark-Paul doesn't discrimate because he is/has working with black people for instance: Saved By The Bell>> Lark Voorhies New York Police>> I forgot his name but he's is the partner of Gordon Clapp No I don't think is he is a racist
Post by Jeff on Dec 17, 2003 3:49:31 GMT -5
Maybe I'm wrong... I didn't understand it, I thougt that he was against it... Is this a sarcastic poster?? Sorry guys, I must appologise.. I didn't understand that this was evil.. Sorry!! 
Post by Timothy on Dec 17, 2003 4:51:59 GMT -5
Listen... This poster is good.. He is against racism.. Look what stands under the poster "Zack Morris, poster child for white priveledge." Doesn't that means that he's AGAINST it?? I thougt that when I saw it That part says he's for white privilidge. It suggests he thinks it's good that white men are better than black men.
Post by Erika on Dec 17, 2003 10:48:04 GMT -5
That part says he's for white privilidge. It suggests he thinks it's good that white men are better than black men. ...Or any other race and gender for that matter. Try reading each sentence carefully, and maybe you will understand. It's quite clear this is a very racist poster, which was put together by some heartless person.
Post by Carrie on Dec 17, 2003 14:11:53 GMT -5
Listen... This poster is good.. He is against racism.. Look what stands under the poster "Zack Morris, poster child for white priveledge." Doesn't that means that he's AGAINST it?? I thougt that when I saw it NOOOOOOO.... Poster child for white privilage means he is the person people look up to as a role model for those who are against black people and every other race except for white. It`s not a good thing at all.
Post by Carrie on Dec 17, 2003 14:14:17 GMT -5
....Btw don't blame ilovekellykapowski for misunderstanding. He's Dutch and not a native English speaker. That's the reason, why he didn't understand the picture. I know. It`s cool. Mistakes happen. At least now ilovekellykapowski and others will know what it means.
Post by Jeff on Dec 18, 2003 7:52:19 GMT -5
sorry, I didn't understand the poster, now I do.. How can a person do something like that! 
Post by marioishott on Dec 18, 2003 20:18:56 GMT -5
That is complete rubbish! I'm mad at the person who wrote it, and the people who are responsible for letting him print it! that is soo wrong... 
Post by wayanslovalc on Dec 19, 2003 7:51:50 GMT -5
The writing and remarks on that poster are all a load of hurtful racist jokes. And I know I'm not the only one who thinks that Mark-Paul did NOT say that. He would never say something as cruel as that. It is a total fake. But I guess that's all you get on the Internet these days, a load of fake info and fake pictures.
Post by Jeff on Dec 19, 2003 18:13:18 GMT -5
Yeah he would never say something like this... but can we stop now about this... I feel responsible! This is totally wrong, but we can't do something against it, can we? 
Post by Carrie on Dec 19, 2003 18:52:43 GMT -5
Yeah he would never say something like this... but can we stop now about this... I feel responsible! This is totally wrong, but we can't do something against it, can we?  No I don`t think there is anything you can do.